Thursday 24 March 2011


In this lesson we plan to finish the titles - which we have completed.
Also look around for some possible sound effects and to begin to create a sound in garage band.
Our aim is also to edit our footage more so.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


In this lesson we plan to make titles and to also look at sounds on youtube and also think about what we are going to use for our diegetic and non diegetic sounds using garage band.
We also plan to begin editing our sequence and put it in an order of where it makes sense.

Monday 21 March 2011

This weeks lessons

During today's lesson we finished filming; leaving the following lessons free to be able to do the following:

Wednesdays lesson:

Uploading all footage
Looking through footage
deleting unwanted footage
Putting them in order

Thursdays Lesson:

Editing the footage
Choosing appropriate sound
do credits

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Cottenham village college

this is where we plan to do the majority of our filming


Props will be finished tomorrow morning and ready for filming later that evening.

Story board

16th march 2011

In this lesson we have arranged to film at Cottenham village college in their spare science room; we are just waiting for a confirmation call.
We have also arranged to meet in the Grande arcade this evening so that we are able to film our second part of our sequence.
 Another thing that we have managed to do today is blog more of our aims/targets. 

Todays aim

Our im for today is to begin filming, adn to get as much done as possible. Are target is also to find a suitable location to film our 'science lab' scene so that it looks as realistic as we can.

Monday 14 March 2011

individual aims


* get all the props & ready
* complete blog posts
*watch inspirational films
* arrange to use the lab


*Get camera
*complete blogs
*concept art


* continue doing blog posts
* think about possible sounds
*watch inspirational films
*arrange to use the lab

Aim of the week

Our aim of the week is to have filmed parts of our project, upload some footage and begin creating a rough cut; also we would like to write a new blog of what we have done in each lesson and how we felt that filming and preparing to film went.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Influences - 28 days later and I am Legend

28 Days Later  &+  I am Legend

we decided to base out science fiction horror on the fear of a 'Virus', we got this idea from the film 28 days later, however we decided that the virus comes from some sort of alien creature that is being observed by a scientist. This idea also links to the film i am legend as it also has a problem with a virus that is spreading at an extremely fast pace, however it is not airbourne in i am legend, compared to the fact that there is chance that could e in 28 days later.

Both virus's cause the person to turn into a monster, however in i am legend they don't come out into the light as it effects and burns their skin. Both types of zombie monsters are angry and violent towards human.

What role are you taking ? (Cinematographer)

As cinematographer I am taking on the role of camera work such as camera shots and finding what shot will look good. I will use a range of camera shots to show different emotions and facial expressions, for example close ups and extreme close ups. I will also use establishing shots and other appropriate shots that help create tense moments and create the perfect atmosphere for each moment. I will also try to do my best at creating the perfect shot for the scene to make it more dramatic and interesting.

What role are you taking ? (sound design)

As the sound designer i shall help create diegetic and non diegetic sounds throughout the piece, making sure that digetic is a realistic as possible, and in contrast making the non diegetic sound fit the atmosphere and the action as best as i can. i shall be creating origional sound, however i may also use sounds that have already been produced to help boost the atmosphere if we are unable to create the perfect sounds myself.

What role are you taking ? (Editor)

As editor i will be making all of the clips link together and make it so that they all run smoothly, this in turn will help create the best video we can.

What role are you taking ? (Director)

Due to the fact that there is only three of us within our group we have decided that we should all take part in directing the production, therefore this means that we all have to input ideas and link them and help the actors whether that is ourselves or friends that we want to be apart of our production to produce the best possible performance and to be able to set the scene and create the right atmosphere and the right emotional state for each character depending on what their performance entails. We shall also be making sure that all mise-en-scene elements are used correctly and are shown clearly and enhance the prodcution.

what films/texts have influenced you? (cinematographer)

As  cinematographer i have been influenced by the dark, stereotypical teenagers and also byt the supernatural and Indy Mogul.

what films/texts have influenced you? (editior)

As an editor i am keen to use editing techniques from 28days later and alien. i also have been influenced by the films serenity and i am legend. Due to the fact that they are what we studied as individuals.

what films/texts have influenced you? (director)

As directors we want a naturalistic performance from all of the actors involved and to be able to create the right atmosphere for the production. we would also like to be organised and to be able to clearly understand ourselves how the best way to produce the production.

Monday 7 March 2011

Risk Assessment

In The grand Arcade 

damage to equipment
Security guards
management of props/equipment
weather conditions
damage to props
Loosing props,crew, all

In College :

Damage to equipment
Management of Props/Equipment
Damage to props
Loosing props,crew,all

Filming schedual

 Grande arcade

wednesday 16th march
Friday 18th March

During college (science lab)

Monday 1st lesson
Wednesday 2nd lesson
Thursday last

by Monday 21st march all filming must be done

Mise en scene


alien in a test tube
break away glass (sugar glass)
Lab equipment
blue &+ red Lighting
blood and make up
liquid latex


Lab coats
Black trousers
Security Uniform
Hooded jumpers/jackets

Camera movement

Throughout are sequence we are going to have a range of camera shots;

Establishing shot
Long shots
Close ups
extreme close ups
pan shot
tracking shot
low angle
high angle
rule of thirds
reaction shot
180" rule
mid shot
two shot
Point of view (P.O.V)


Within our sequence we are going to use a range of different sounds,


Broken glass
gun shot
doors slamming


suspense music
'shopping' music

Story Outline

Characters within the sequence are:

*2 Rebels
* Security Guard

Story line.

The security guard will be looking at all of the various CCTV feeds, monitoring a scientist and other areas around the work place; in these shots you will see things such as long corridors and the science lab.
 The security guard then notices the two rebels running along one of the corridors, the feed then goes to static. The door of the security office then is opened, one of the two rebels approaches the guard from behind and raises a gun to his head. at this point the rebel yells 'Get up' giving the guard the opportunity to get up and manage to push the alarm button, however he is shot whilst doing this but successfully sounding the alarm. The rebels cut the power and the scientist who was being observed panics and runs out of his laboratory, knocking over the test tube in front of him. It then cuts to the security feed of the two guys walking toward the scientists door, it then cuts to inside the room and you see the door open.They look at the test tube remains. There is then a sudden shot of something and something is rushing towards them, screams and snarling, then the opening titles appear.